Really Wild Travel: Pre Trip Briefing

07 February saw the group get the pre-departure briefing from Really Wild Travel - the trek company. The team were assured by the rep, who has also climbed Kilimanjaro. We were talked through outline of the trek and the group had the chance to ask those all important questions regarding kit, what to expect, what happens if you need the toilet mid trek and before you reach camp......Also reminded us that it is the rainy season, so to expect a few days of rain.

We will be met by the RWT guide at the airport, given briefing and debriefings each day – thankfully they will advise us on what we need to carry each day in our day packs! On the first day of the trek we can expect warm weather – currently 22 degrees Celsius! Then each day the temperature will drop. By day 5 and when we are a Barafu Camp the temperature will drop to around minus 3 degrees. Barafu translates as ice, which is an indication to the temperature here!  By the time we reach the summit the standing temperature is minus 6 degrees, this drops to minus 20 with wind chill. Advised by the rep from Really Wild travel that on the summit day we will be wearing a total of 5 layers on our top half and 4 layers on our legs – not sure how easy that will be to walk in!  

All in all the team are one step closer to being as ready as we can be before flying out. A few more bits of kit panic will take place only 25 days to go!!


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