Wednesday, April 04, 2012

"Reflections" by Andrew

The twelve days we spent in Tanzania climbing Kilimanjaro and visiting Wateraid projects are not ones I will readily forget.  They were challenging and rewarding, fun and thought-provoking.
We began by visiting Wateraid projects:  a village now supplied with safe water and a school that now benefits from clean, but basic, latrines. 

Neither project was particularly glamorous or complicated.  But both had a huge impact on people’s health, livelihoods and happiness.   It was inspiring to see simple but effective ways in which to give people in much need a helping hand.

The climb up Kilimanjaro was immensely rewarding. In addition to the satisfaction of  the physical challenge,  the scenery was amazing, and the sunsets and night skies were breathtakingly beautiful. 

For me, however, the underlying theme of the trip was one of fun and hope.  The climb up the mountain was peppered with banter and mutual support.  I had feared the visits to the projects might be dour or unduly worthy.  They weren’t.  They were inspiring and uplifting.  It was a privilege to be there.


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