Friday, March 09, 2012

Day 3: The Altitude kicks in!

We have just arrived in camp at the Baranco Campsite and are about to settle down for something to eat - we are all shattered!

After an incredibly clear and beautiful night where we were able to see Jupiter, Mars and Venus, we woke up at 6.30am to freezing conditions and ice on the tents - including the inside! But the view across the mountain was spectacular. You wont believe how cold it was though!

After breakfast we started out from Shira Hut at 3800m walking was fairly easy across open tundra and we made our way over the Shira Plateau. Some of the team then climbed the Lava Towers to an altitude of 4700m, it was very exciting but quite scary as we had to scramble and climb up the side of the peak.

The altitude sickness is really starting to kick in, with some of the team experiencing headaches and dizziness. Izzy described it as "Feeling like I've drunk a full bottle of wine"

Some of the team have started taking Diamox which started to work immediately but has the side effect of making you go to the toilet more often!

At lunchtime we had our oxygen and heart rate levels measured with a clip attached to our index finger, all the readings were between 69-72% oxygen levels in our blood streams showing we were all well. We repeated the measurements a few hours later after we had increased our altitude and the difference was quite dramatic. We are all drinking between 3-4ltrs of water which combined with the Diamox means we are all going to the toilet a lot.

We are climbing high but sleeping low today to get our bodies used to the thin air which should make tomorrows walk easier. We have walked 14km today from 3800m up to 4700m back down to 3900m for tonight's camp.

Quite a tough day but everyone is well and we are all looking forward to a good nights sleep.

More tomorrow

The Kili Challenge Team

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, hang in there you seem to be handling the situation very well. What you are all doing is admirable. Please tell my cousin Tan that her cousin Tas loves her very much and that me and the boys are so proud of her. Stay safe, warm, oxygenated and focused. Good luck to you all!
