Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 7: A shower has never felt so good!

We've made it!

After a 3 hour walk we successfully completed the kili trek and made it back down to the National Park gate, where we had started the challenge 7 days ago. Signing the National Park register marked the end of our challenge and left us with mixed emotion; melancholy that the challenge is over but pleased to be off the mountain and looking forward to returning to the UK.

We were all blessing our walking poles as the walk down was very tough, steep terran, tired legs and aching joints were really taking their toll.

The high point of today's walk was seeing monkey's playing in the Cloud Forest, an amazing sight seeing these wonderful animals in there natural environment. The monkey's seemed to be keeping their distance from us; we think it may be the fact we SMELL after not having had a wash for a week. :-)

Our clothes have all been packed in thick plastic bags and sealed with gaffer tape, I think they should carry a health warning!

We are now back at the hotel and pleased to be clean. Going for a week without running water, not being able to wash and having to use long drop latrines really has brought home the reality of the work that WaterAid does. I don't think any of the team will ever take water for granted again.

The team is looking forward to being back in the UK soon.

Love to all our families and friends, we will be home soon. x

Sorry for the short post but we are all SO tired!

The Kili Challenge Team

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