Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 6: The end is nigh AND Toilet At The Top!

Dear readers, we are happy to report that we have 'summited' and are now only 3 or 4 hours from the the Machame Gate!

We were awoken at midnight for the ascent and it was the most strenuouspart of the trek so far. It took about 6 hours to get up there and most of us were feeling pretty rotten with sickness when we finally reached the top. We didn't linger once we'd photographed Eva as The Toilet At The Top and taken in the beautiful vistas. (Rob declined his prize Toilet At The Top photo-shoot.)

We set off back down the mountain and after walking for approximately 8 hours we're now at base camp, having just eaten and put our feet up. We're all thinking about getting some shut-eye in preparation for the last leg tomorrow. After walking for approximately 14 hours and riding the emotional roller coaster throughout the day, we're all pretty beat.

Tomorrow we have a 3-4 hour walk to reach the National Park gate and then it'll be a race for the showers when we reach the hotel.

We'd also like to point out a translation error in yesterday's post. Rob's 'mbogo' nickname it turns out doesn't translate as 'Buffalo' at all, but in fact 'Goat'. Rob The Billy Goat. Catchy right? Take note, colleagues!


We Severn Trenters would just like to formerly thank WaterAid's Izzy for her undying support throughout this quest. We truely believe we could not have done it without her. She has been our team superstar, giving everyone the best support possible, whether that be a hug, a high-five or funny anecdote. She has been the backbone of our team and we owe her our success. Isabelle, from the bottom of our hearts. Thank You.

We'd also like to thank all of our sponsors, young and old, online or off. We really couldn't have done it with you - every penny of your support has gone to WaterAid, ensuring lives will be changed. Thank You.

The Kili Challenge Team


  1. I would like to say very well done to all of the team from us WaterAiders at Wessex Water. Enjoy the showers!!

    Jody Knight
    Regional Rep @ Wessex

  2. Guys - this is impressive. Well done to all of you. I look forward to catching up - when you've all showered!


  3. An so proud of you all - and everyone I have met is even more impressed that you did it for charity!
    Looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing your voices again too
    Enjoy the hot showers!!
    Xxx abc

  4. Bravo! Bravo! It will be the best shower you've ever had!
    Tas xoxox

  5. Well Done!! I'll look forward to hearing all about it on Streamline. I do hope Rob will be doing a weekly message!!
